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Travel Insurance API

Sell our travel insurance hassle-free, while earning compensation.

Our Travel Insurance API provides an integrated solution for selling our travel insurance, taking care of all the business rules, pricing configurations, and payments for you! 

You must be a licensed insurance broker to sell our travel insurance. Without a license, you are unable to use this API. However, the good news is you can still use our free Travel Advisory API! You and your developer can work together to integrate this API into your website or mobile app.

If you’re a developer, here’s what you need to know to get started:

The API is implemented as REST-based web services, secured with SSL and OAuth 2.0 and backed by a PCI-compliant payment service. 

  1. Sign up for an API key to access the Travel Insurance API development environment. You'll need to register and/or sign in if you haven't yet. 
  2. Due to security and insurance regulations, our team must validate your information before giving you access. We'll respond to your application within 24 hours, and if everything looks good, we'll approve your access to the API.
  3. Once you've got your key, you're free to start coding away! Read the API docs to find out how.
  4. We'll work with you to get set up. Once development is done, we'll set up the keys for you to access the Test and Production environments so that you can start earning!