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Quote response has premium=0

    • matt
    • Topic created 10 years ago

    I didn't expect to see a quote with premium=0. I assume the policy isn't free.

    Does this mean you don't issue policies to 65 years of age from Quebec? Or is this a bug?

    Quote Request:

    1. {
    2.   "productLineCode": "PR-FDM-1",
    3.   "insuredType": "CANADIAN",
    4.   "trip": {
    5.     "startDate": "2014-11-28",
    6.     "endDate": "2014-12-18",
    7.     "departureProvince": "QC",
    8.     "cost": 2000
    9.   },
    10.   "insuredPersons": [
    11.     {
    12.       "insuredType": "CANADIAN",
    13.       "homeProvince": "QC",
    14.       "age": "65",
    15.       "plansToPrice": [
    16.         {
    17.           "planCode": "PL-SPCK-2",
    18.           "priceInputParameters": [ ]
    19.         }
    20.       ],
    21.       "selectedPlans": [
    22.         {
    23.           "planCode": "PL-SPCK-2",
    24.           "priceInputParameters": [ ]
    25.         }
    26.       ]
    27.     }
    28.   ]
    29. }

    Quote Response:

    1. {
    2.   "planCode": "PL-SPCK-2",
    3.   "planName": "Freedom - All Inclusive - Single Trip",
    4.   "planType": "SINGLE",
    5.   "personId": "WS-PERSON-1417047001254-3319",
    6.   "premium": 0,
    7.   "tax": 0,
    8.   "baseRatePriceItem": {
    9.     "code": "RS2032883",
    10.     "name": "Freedom - All Inclusive - Single Trip, v7",
    11.     "inputClass": "RATE"
    12.   },
    13.   "priceItems": [
    14.     {
    15.       "code": "MINIMUM",
    16.       "name": "Minimum",
    17.       "inputClass": "MINIMUM"
    18.     },
    19.     {
    20.       "code": "RS2032883",
    21.       "name": "Freedom - All Inclusive - Single Trip, v7",
    22.       "inputClass": "RATE"
    23.     },
    24.     {
    25.       "code": "TRIP",
    26.       "name": "Trip Length Range [1, 5, 10, 17, 24, 31, 38, 46, 53-60]",
    27.       "type": "TRIP",
    28.       "inputClass": "FACTOR",
    29.       "value": 21
    30.     },
    31.     {
    32.       "code": "SUMP",
    33.       "name": "Sum Insured Before Dept - 0 to 10000 w\\\/1400",
    34.       "type": "SUMP",
    35.       "inputClass": "FACTOR",
    36.       "value": 2000
    37.     },
    38.     {
    39.       "code": "PM-TAX-2",
    40.       "name": "Tax - Qu\\u00bfc 9%",
    41.       "type": "TAX",
    42.       "inputClass": "TAX",
    43.       "value": 2
    44.     }
    45.   ]
    46. }

    Message edited by matt 10 years ago

  1. Clyde10 years ago


    Usually when you see a plan with a 0 or a null price value there will be an error message in the response for the given plan and person. Review the response object, and notice that persons above age 60 can not buy the all inclusive package.

    "messages": [   {
      "key": "sales.drl.error.rule.coverage.ineligible.insured.too.old",
      "type": "ERROR",
      "summarykey": "sales.drl.error.rule.coverage.ineligible.insured.too.old.summary",
      "summaryMessage": "!sales.drl.error.rule.coverage.ineligible.insured.too.old.summary!",
      "detailMessage": "Sorry, customer is above the age limit for coverage.",
      "sourceType": "MSG_BUNDLE",
      "catalogName": "tu.venture.domain.messages.sales.i18n.SalesResources",
      "params": ["Freedom - All Inclusive - Single Trip"],
      "target":       {
         "person":          {
            "id": "WS-PERSON-1417048110821-3329",
            "age": 65,
            "language": "en",
            "phoneNumbers": [],
            "addresses": [            {
               "type": "MAIL",
               "primary": true
            "emails": []
         "productLineCode": "PR-FDM-1",
         "planCode": "PL-SPCK-2"



  2. Clyde10 years ago

    Also if you were to try to purchase the plan through the policies endpoint the webservice would prevent the transaction from proceeding.

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